Source code for obswsrc.struct

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[docs]class BaseStruct(dict): pass
[docs]class StructField: def __init__(self, attr_name, field_name, value_type, optional=False): self.attr_name = attr_name self.field_name = field_name self.value_type = value_type self.optional = optional
[docs]class StructMeta(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace): super().__init__(name, bases, namespace) cls._fields_by_attr_name = {} cls._fields_by_field_name = {} for field in cls._fields: cls._fields_by_attr_name[field.attr_name] = field cls._fields_by_field_name[field.field_name] = field
[docs]class Struct(BaseStruct, metaclass=StructMeta): _fields = () def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__() if len(args) == 1 and not kwargs: # Initialization from a unJSONed dict with OBS naming for field_name, raw_value in args[0].items(): try: field = self._fields_by_field_name[field_name] except KeyError: raise TypeError( "Struct '{class_name}': '{field_name}' is an invalid " "field name for this struct".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, field_name=field_name)) value = field.value_type(raw_value) self[field_name] = value elif not args: # Initialization from Python-friendly attributes for attr_name, value in kwargs.items(): try: field = self._fields_by_attr_name[attr_name] except KeyError: raise TypeError( "Struct '{class_name}': '{attr_name}' is an invalid " "keyword argument for this struct".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr_name=attr_name)) if not isinstance(value, field.value_type): raise TypeError( "Struct '{class_name}': '{attr_name}' value should be " "of type '{type_name}'".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr_name=attr_name, type_name=field.value_type.__name__)) self[field.field_name] = value else: raise TypeError( "{class_name} can initialized only either with 1 positional " "argument (dictionary of fields) or with keyword " "arguments".format(class_name=self.__class__.__name__)) # Make sure that all required fields are set for field in self._fields: if SKIP_OPTIONAL_CHECK or field.optional: continue if field.field_name not in self: raise TypeError( "Struct '{class_name}': Missing required {field_name} " "field".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, field_name=field.field_name)) def __getattr__(self, attr_name): try: field = self._fields_by_attr_name[attr_name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError( "'{class_name}' object has no attribute '{attr_name}'".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr_name=attr_name)) return self[field.field_name] def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value): try: field = self._fields_by_attr_name[attr_name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError( "'{class_name}' object has no attribute '{attr_name}'".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr_name=attr_name)) if not isinstance(value, field.value_type): raise TypeError( "Struct '{class_name}': '{attr_name}' value should be of type " "'{type_name}'".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, attr_name=attr_name, type_name=field.value_type.__name__)) self[field.field_name] = value
[docs]class VariableStruct(BaseStruct): _allowed_types = () def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() # Initialization from OBS-named kwargs for field_name, value in kwargs.items(): if type(value) not in self._allowed_types: raise TypeError( "VariableStruct '{class_name}': '{field_name}' value " "should be one of these types: {types}".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, field_name=field_name, types=', '.join( type_.__name__ for type_ in self._allowed_types ) ) ) self[field_name] = value return def __getattr__(self, field_name): return self[field_name] def __setattr__(self, field_name, value): if type(value) not in self._allowed_types: raise TypeError( "VariableStruct '{class_name}': '{field_name}' value should " "be one of these types: {types}".format( class_name=self.__class__.__name__, field_name=field_name, types=', '.join( type_.__name__ for type_ in self._allowed_types ) ) ) self[field_name] = value